Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics

Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics  
Abbreviated title (ISO) J. Exp. Theor. Phys.
Discipline Experimental and theoretical physics
Language Russian, English
Edited by Alexander F. Andreev
Publication details
Publisher Maik Nauka/Interperiodica (Russia)
Impact factor
ISSN 1090-6509 (print)
1063-7761 (web)

The Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (JETP) [Russian: Журнал Экспериментальной и Теоретической Физики (ЖЭТФ), or Zhurnal Éksperimental’noĭ i Teoreticheskoĭ Fiziki (ZhÉTF)] is a peer-reviewed Russian scientific journal covering experimental and theoretical physics.

It is one of the leading Russian research journals, covering all major areas of physics, including relativity and cosmology, solid state physics and spectroscopy, quantum field theory, particle physics and nuclear physics. JETP is published simultaneously in both Russian and English, and edited by Alexander F. Andreev.


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